The Great Modern Poets : An anthology of the essential poets and poetry since 1900

EAN: 9781529434156
€14,95 *
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    DescriptionThe Great Modern Poets : An anthology of the essential poets and poetry since 1900

    Michael Schmidt
    224 pages

    An essential introduction to the most significant poems and their works since 1900Reproduced within this collection are some of the greatest poems of the 20th century, featuring works from major writers such as T.S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath to Langston Hughes and W.B. Yeats.

    For each, Michael Schmidt provides an insight into their themes and the background to their work, opening for the reader a deeper understanding and enjoyment of these extraordinary poems. Poets include:W.B. YeatsRobert FrostEdward ThomasPhilip LarkinT.S.

    EliotTed HughesLangston HughesSylvia PlathC.S SissonDerek WalcottEzra Pound& many more!

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